Dear Prayer Partners,
Millions of people die each day in our world without knowing the love of Jesus. We are aware of death. We may not know when it's coming, but we know death is an appointment we can't put off. The ironic thing is we are not truly prepared to live until we are prepared to die. By not securing their life in Christ, they will spend eternity separated from God. That truth breaks my heart. It stirs me to action when I think about those who will meet the Lord in death as their Judge instead of their Savior. I imagine it stirs your heart too.

God's desire is that none perish in His great mercy; God orchestrates our circumstances in order to bring many to His saving grace. Tragedy, sifted through the loving hands of God, has a way of bringing people to a decision about the fragility of life and their eternity. A hole in thier heart, a feeling they can't shake, or the pursuit for peace causes soul searching questions to arise from the emptiness of life. When they come searching, we are ready to give them Jesus, the only answer.

That's why you'll find this question on our website. "Do You Know Jesus?"

We want to do our part in reaching a lost and dying world for Christ. Your prayers for this ministry enable us to be available day and night via the internet. Because you are praying, thousands have discovered how to die, and live, by placing their eternity into the hands of God. So far this year, 875 people have given or recommitted their lives to Christ through our webpage. Many more can be added to that number through our speaking engagements. With you prayer support, we are expanding the Kingdom of God!

Thank you for partnering with us. We count it an honor and blessing to have you praying for us.

For the Kingdom,


Micca Campbell~Author/Speaker
Director of Outreach
Proverbs 31 Ministries


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