Thank You For Your Prayers!
Hi Prayer Team! We are so grateful to have you joining us in ministry. Many of you are new to our prayer team, let us welcome you to the family and thank you for the vital part you are choosing to play in achieving God's will through Proverbs 31 Ministries.

The summer has come to an end and that means our office and team of speakers and writers are about to get very busy. Our speakers will be doing a lot of traveling. They have been preparing messages that the Lord has given them in hopes of bringing women everywhere into a deeper relationship with Jesus. Many in these audiences will be accepting Christ for the very first time. Many are suffering in relationships and having difficulty balancing their busy lives. We need prayer to cover all of this. Prayers for our speakers and for their audiences.

We also have quite a few women on our team who are in the midst of writing their books which have publication deadlines. Would you also pray for them? They are pouring their hearts into these books and doing it for the glory of God.

And then there is our office ... the glue that holds it all together here at Proverbs. We need your prayers for wisdom, discernment, and the time to get done all that comes our way!

Thank you for covering us in prayer. Would you also pray for the families of the women who are working at Proverbs 31. We couldn't do it without them.

Our ultimate goal is to bring God's peace, purpose, and perspective to today's busy woman. We can do many things to achieve this goal, but the best thing we can do is to pray. We are honored to have you join us. We greatly value you and your commitment to pray for Proverbs 31 Ministries.


Proverbs 31 Prayer Ministry


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